Youtube Creator Academy - lesson 1

So i have Signed up for "Youtube Creator Academy"
Today is the first day i can really jump into this and start to get things done.
According to the class i'm already 1 week late thus Arghhhhh

On this blog i will use it as a note taker to record thoughts links videos etc that i find usefull so i know where all my information is.

Label: Youtube Creator Academy

MOOC = Massive Open Online Course
Success in a MOOC

first assignment:
Which youtube site do you find interesting?
my answer
he is a funny motovlogger, i'm pretty sure i watch him for the content not really the youtube layout

Lesson #1 that was really interesting:
new youtube algorithm promotes videos and channels now by # of subscribers and video watch time. the # of views is no longer the top criteria

Passed Lesson 1:
Key was to understand that "Subscribers drive Watchtime"

11 weeks Ultrasound

My wife just got pregnant this Past December 2012.  As we are living in the South of France (recently moved to the exterior of Aix-en-Provence. we needed to go find out how the baby was doing. In general start the whole baby process in France.

You can see the first video i recorded with my samsung galaxy S2. I just pointed it to the screen and hit record. The nice thing that i found out was that if i had brought a usb stick the doctor would have recorded all this for me for free :)
According to some movies i have seen apparently you have to pay extra to see your baby in 3d etc. here its just ask for it and they will do it for you.

As my wife did a lot of research she found out that most people do not recommend going to the hospital in Aix-en-Provence instead they recommend going to the hospital that is nearby in the city of  Pertuis